Title: Dies Irae 2051 

Developers: Matthew Barr / Sandy Louchart 


Whatever your point of view, social class, ethnicity, gender or religion, when it comes to shitty years, 2051 is right up there! Forget 2016 and 2020: the rebirth of facism or a global pandemic barely scratched the surface. Even the nuclear armageddon of 2036 had nothing on 2051! 

Sheila McBride, 36, calmly sipped on her iced margarita in her Govan’s luxury beach apartment when she noticed a flash in the Scottish blue sky. Within 20 seconds, she was very dead and her ashes were in the process of being dispersed somewhere between Cumbria and Kent. 

2051 was indeed a year to remember for the handful of earthbound survivors and the few folks on the publicly-funded, privately owned lunar colonies.

Luckily for Carrie Anderson, the moon was exactly where they were heading when disaster struck!